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Other Support & Investigation Services

In addition to our core services,

Bosco offers many ancillary services to clients on an as needed basis. Some of these services include:


  • Neighborhood/witness canvassing
  • Witness interviews
  • Client intake/discovery assistance
  • Obtaining police reports/coroner’s reports
  • Criminal and civil background checks
  • Evidence transportation/storage
  • Messenger services
  • Jury selection


Our partnership with Magna Legal Services has also increased the breadth of services offered to support you at every step of the litigation cycle with services like:


  • Discovery Services
  • Jury Research & Consulting
  • Trial Services


Our goal is to be problem solvers and get the monkey off our client’s back, so if there is a need you have, reach out and as long as we feel we can do a competent job, we will take it on, if not- we will help you find someone who can.